First Baby Ever Treated with Cannabis CBD Oil at The Hospital
July 6, 2018
When Nicole And Ernie Nunez arrived home with their newborn baby girl Amylea in December they were over the moon as new parents. But things soon took a turn for the worst… Just one day after arriving home with baby Amylea and she had her first shocking epileptic fit. Even the doctors “don’t know exactly the type,” according to Nicole.
For months the new parents have been looking for medical solutions for their daughter’s condition. Unfortunately though, medical professionals in Albuquerque, New Mexico, have been unable to treat baby Amylea, as they don’t know the cause of her daily seizures. The family then found there way to Colorado, where cannabis is legal.
Over at the kids hospital in Aurora doctors were giving Amylea a cocktail of prescription meds, but according to her father Ernie, “The medication she’s on is hard for her liver, and so we’re trying to do something different that’s not so bad on her body,” referring to the groundbreaking cannabis treatment they are giving to their baby.
When the couple heard about CBD, a specially formulated cannabis strain for kids with the psychoactive component removed, they were thrilled. Nicole said about the family’s struggle, “I sat for a good three weeks fighting with the doctors and trying to talk them into giving me the okay. I’ve been working with the case study team and the neurology team here at children’s and I’m hopeful this will work.”
Finally, after much hard work and persuasion, doctors at the hospital agreed to give Amylea cannabis oil, the first hospital to officially give cannabis to a child. And while baby Amylea has only had a few cannabis oil doses, nurses have already noted an improvement in her day-to-day condition.
However, Amylea’s tragic case is groundbreaking in that a hospital officially gave her a cannabis derived product, despite the fact it is classified at the Federal level as Schedule 1. This could pave the way for more hospitals to offer medical cannabis products like CBD to newborns, infants and perhaps even adults.
It is hoped that more hospitals, as well as doctors and other medical industry employees, will begin giving CBD to the patients who most need it. And avoid the liver toxic prescription drugs which tragically costs so many lives.